Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries


There’s the thrill of a tango crackling in the ether with the opposition between Mercury & Jupiter. It has a decidedly Mercury-Mars flavour, & it’s perfecting tomorrow.

The tension of opposites is expressed in the nature of the planets, as well as in the signs where they’re opposed. Mercury sees the magic along with the devilry in the details; Jupiter goes to infinity & beyond with visionary zeal.

Jupiter in Aries is courage & snap judgement in action. There’s no prevaricating around the bush. Jupiter desires a symphony of coherence, & Jupiter in Warrior Aries is inclined to decisive action. Aries names the elephant in the room (& with cheerful obliviousness, can also be the elephant in the room). Straightforward honesty without ornamentation can ruffle feathers in a world uncomfortable with saying what you mean, and meaning what you say.

Mercury in Libra seeks harmony in communications with others. Ever the diplomat, there’s a subtlety & lightness of touch that wants a peaceful result. This belies Libra’s iron hand in a velvet glove (Libra is not the ball of candy floss meme culture would have us believe). Smoothing the way with social lubrication can a blessing, but beware a tyranny of etiquette & attempting to please all involved to avoid conflict.
This Merc can be stunningly strategic & mauve with mind games worthy of the court politics of Versailles.

One side is every bit as capable of aggression as the other. Revel in - rather than seek to resolve - the dynamic Cardinal push-me-pull-you of this tussle.

Echo chambers are tedious & hostile to true diversity. Seek not to be offended, & avoid a clash of fundamentalisms. Intellectual playfulness & curiosity allows us to pivot & change as is the invitation offered by Cardinal signs.

This opposition is ripe & juicy for a mycelial sprouting of new ideas & ventures.

Jupiter has been getting extra help from host Mars in Gemini, in the form of a sextile. Big fiery ideas & dreams may feel instinctive.


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