A Tricky New Moon in Virgo

NEW MOON @ 4° VIRGO, 27th AUG, 6:17pm (AEST).

These are the Balsamic hours of the wise, Croning Moon. The hours we’re seeding visions for a new lunar cycle. 

Our energy ebbs, (be soft with the receding tide, rather than push forward). This phase of the cycle requires rest & reflection.

As a Dark Moon woman, I feel at home during this phase. The night sky is velvet-cloaked, silent, & pregnant with futures. There’s a far-seeing quality to the darkness. Deeper repose, with vivid dreamscapes, dotted with daimons.

This NM in the sign of the Maiden is hosted by ruler Mercury in Libra, & along with the Sun, is squared by Mars in Gemini. There’s a Mars flavour here, with a nervy Merc quality. It’s a bit salt-&-vinegary.

This is a tricky lunation as La Lune cannot see her host in neighbouring Libra. She lacks the support of Mercury who is in an empowered tete-a-tete with house-guest Mars in The Twins.

There could be a sense of frustration, snappy words, & a desire to push forward too quickly with plans & ideas. Mercury in Libra desires harmonious communication (particularly in relationships), but there is a sense here that freshly-hatched Virgoan plans may be brushed aside, or “talked” over by the Mercury & Mars in the chatty Air signs. Mercury ignoring the Moon, & Mars sharp of tongue, shoving Lady Moon aside in order to impose His questing ideas.

Stay the course, remain flexible & adaptable. Move through any challenges with patience & grace. The tension will subside, so remain discerning & dignified. Virgo is awe-inspiring in Her humility & dedication to daily practice. Showing up is half the battle.

Adopt & practice nourishing daily habits. Take care of the body, for the Moon in Virgo invites us to replenish ourselves with simple wholefoods & commonsense. Mars in Gemini is naturally caffeinated & jittery, & squaring Mistress Moon, He may seek to dominate the quiet diligence of Virgo (who is sensitive to stimulants). Clearing the channels can help at this time of info overload.

By the 1st Quarter Moon in Sag, our plans may be infused with fresh hopes. 

New Moon blessings to you all.


Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries


Virgo Season: Remember your Magic