Tending the Star Garden Reading

This deeply nourishing reading dives into the eco-cosmology of your natal chart.


$220.00AUD | 90 minutes over Zoom
You’ll receive a recording of the reading.

Using ancient astrological techniques in a modern and relatable way, we explore your birth chart, helping you to gain insights into your gifts and challenges. Your natal chart reveals not only your character and gifts, but the environment and conditions which have shaped your life.

The mandala of your natal chart is akin to a garden - a vibrant living system that grows & evolves over time.

In this deep reading of your nativity we explore ways to tend, care for, & support the chart with you at its heart.

Much like a garden, we can identify the different zones in your natal chart. We can pinpoint blockages as well as support the natural flow of energy in the chart. In this way you can optimise your ability to receive the nutrients required to flourish and feel supported in your life.

This reading is holistic & compassionate, incorporating myths, stories, imagery & symbol; along with the tarot to map out your unique star garden, its zones, “weather” patterns, & conditions over time.

We incorporate a range of traditional astrological techniques, (including firdaria, profections & planetary remediation); as well as the symbolism of the tarot.

This reading is developed not only from my years of training & experience in astrology, myth & literature, but also as a lifelong gardener & regenerative earth healer.

In this reading, we

  • identify chart signatures

  • pinpoint blocked or stagnant energy & look at ways to open & remediate the channels to allow grace & flow

  • reveal the beauty & medicine contained within the wildly storied soil, microclimates, forests, rivers, caves, oceans, meadows, valleys & volcanoes of your chart

  • remove the fear from astrology & fall in love with your natal chart as a sacred unfolding.  

This is an ideal natal reading that can be tailored for any level of astrological knowledge. it’s for anyone who may want to ground deeper into astrology as a spiritual practice; as well as for healers, helpers& guides.

"I deeply enjoyed the reading, it is hard to express in words. It was a very comforting and encouraging experience and the way you're holding space...After the reading, I felt like the world has stopped, I needed to move slowly, I felt so deep inside myself. Thank you for this experience".

—- Petra

Book your Tending the Star Garden reading: