Venus in Virgo : Refining Relationships

Image: detail from Saint Catherine Crowned by Bartolomeo Veneto

VENUS IN VIRGO 5th Sept-29th Sept (AEST)

Quietly, without fanfare Venus fell into devoted, cool & discerning Virgo. More logical than emotional, more reasoned than romantic, this is a Venus that seeks order & calm.

In Virgo She sojourns until the 29th of September, & we’ll lean more toward pleasures practical & restrained. Acts of service is the love language of our Virgoan Venus, (*swoon*) offered with breath-taking humility.

Loyal to a fault, often forgiving & flexible with loved ones, Venus in the Maiden has an exceptional eye for quality, cultivating beauty in the everyday.

My beloved grandmother had Venus in Virgo. Combining wit with otherworldliness, she was frugal & couldn’t abide waste. Everything she owned was both useful & beautiful, & her taste has stood the test of time.

Venus can’t see Her host Mercury in Libra right now, but they have mutual reception - holding hands in the darkness through a gap in the zodiacal wall, aiding one another’s purpose.

During this season, watch for pickiness & being overly critical with friends, lovers, & your body. Cultivate a practice of praise & acceptance of the flaw. What is flawed can also be beautiful - sometimes even more so.

Virgo carries & embodies the constant change inherent in nature’s cycles of healing, fertility, growth & dissolution. Forever sifting, sorting, saving, shedding. Seeking order & perfection.

Now is the time to revel in the practical work of relationships. Embrace sensuality as a birthright, rather than as something to be earned.

Explore the pleasures of erotic literature, (a Venus in Virgo kind of enchantment). Organise, document, collate & curate.

Skilful, moderate Venus in Virgo is an artisan, wordsmith, maker & crafter of exceptional Things.


Full Moon in Pisces - the Selkie’s Moon


Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries