New Moon in Gemini

Art by Stephen Mackey.

A new Moonflower in Gemini is about to bloom…

A budding lunation in our Mutable Twins can express a lightness of touch and speed, mirroring the constant inconstancy of Our Lady Moon.

Emerging from Eclipse Season, with its wild-cards and wyrdings, we’re drawn back to examine the weave upon the Cosmic Loom.

The warp and weft show an emphasis upon personal values, as both Venus and Mars - in Taurus and Aries respectively - are our deeply personal planets, now domiciled and free to act as they desire.

A New Moon in Gemini highlights our connections, communications, and how we absorb and share information. However, this Moon’s renewal is not as airborne nor as agile as we might expect.

Mercury, retrograde ruler of this lunation has slowed to a plod, wading backwards through mud at 26° of the Bull, where Fixed Star Algol resides. Algol is otherwise know as the Gorgon’s Head. A stormy spot on our Starmap.

Medusa’s degree will also be Mercury’s stationing point later this week. There’s nothing to fear from a retrograde, but our stationing points are where we might pause and be cautious. Observe, rather than (re)act.

Apply a filter, sift through the informational mud with discernment to find the gold-dust worth absorbing and sharing. Methodical Mercury in Taurus can do this well. Gemini will know how to share the gold and pass it along when He goes direct & into his Home sign of the Twins again.

If there was ever a time to journal, it’s with a Gemini lunation.

Purge on the page, inscribe your desire, question assumptions. Be playful, curious. Scatter idea seeds and intentions in preparation for the Full Moon.

Whether inscribed in stone, written on paper, skin, sand; spoken or sung in the Air, our words have power.


First Quarter Moon in Virgo


Dark Moon in Taurus