June Solstice 2022 & the Sun in Cancer

Solstice. Stillpoint.

We curl around the heart(h) of the year, in the soft solemnity of hours before the Turning.

On the forest’s white-boned fringe, a Conspiracy of Ravens are raucous and joyful. Drunk on slivers of rare Winter sunlight, their eyes blue-white as the Cailleach’s gaze. Divine black hags of Winter.

The Twins guard the portal to the mortal world, and upon the shore of life, upon the threshold, resets our Great Mother Cancer - primordial life-source. Womb and tomb. Her belly full of Sun.

She bears and births the souls who pass through from the Otherworld. Her crabbed claws protective, a cradle for newborn life. Fierce, tender, instinctual Mother.

Whether fallow Winter, or ripe Summer, the Sun’s ingress into Cancer has a sweetness. Gardenia scented, full with the flowering seed. The Sun in the Temple of the Moon a luminous blessing. A fusion of solar and lunar qualities.

Cancer is the exaltation of Jupiter, who now warms Himself in the fires of Aries, the Sun’s own exaltation.

This cooperative exchange of exaltation rulers marks this Solstice with an idealised moment of purpose and growth. A flood of light, made more emphatic by Cancer’s lunar Mistress conjunct Jupiter in Aries.

This is a moment to create and share sweet memories for and with those you love.

Morningstar Mercury is in His chariot, flying high through gemini, and close to fortunate Star Aldebaran, Watcher of the East, (Archangel Michael). Exact yesterday, Hermes is still sextile to Jupiter, and our ideas will be quicksilvered with fire and passion.

Venus conjunct Algol, the Medusa, is in a trine to volcanic Pluto. there may be a moment of discomfort, or a haunting from the past, unearthing what lies hidden within our own hearts. Maybe liberating us from outdated merde and muck.

What dreams may come in the Winter Dark? What promises bloom in your night-scented Summer garden?

Nurture and protect your dreams as you would a beloved child. Bathe them gently in the warmth of firelight, sunlight.

Hold your loved ones close.

Wishing you all a happy and peaceful Solstice.


Venus in Magical Gemini


Five Things for Mercury in Gemini