Five Things for Mercury in Gemini

Image: Stephen Mackey

Mercury is domiciled in His home sign of Gemini from June 14th-July 5th.

As Mercury travels through the crosshairs of its retrograde shadow, there’s a settling of the silt that was dredged and stirred whilst our Messenger moved backwards through Gemini and Taurus between May 10th and June 3rd.

You may be feeling a greater sense of momentum with your projects and ideas, as well as gaining clarity and perspective regarding just how tricky that retrograde has possibly been. Now that the Lord of Time - Saturn in Aquarius -has turned retrograde, we’re asked to review our life structures.

What serves us well, and what is mere ephemera that distracts us from what’s fundamentally important to the fabric and structure of our lives?

Throughout the Mercury retrograde, we may have had a nagging sense that we could have been doing more, achieving more.

Yet if we can back away a little from our to-do lists, be still and gaze into the mirror of our cultural Shadows, we may see how we’ve internalised the imperatives of the Systems in which we’re embedded. Systems that have trained us to beat ourselves with a sharp stick of productivity.

Symbolically, it’s been a powerful moment to have Mercury enter Gemini, gaining a lot of dignity, the day of a Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Double-bodied wisdom offered across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis lies in adaptability, curiosity, wisdom, and truth-seeking intelligence.

Remember: the lunations are our touchstones.

Whilst Mercury is in Gemini, and for Gemini Season in general, below are five ways to enjoy the energy…

  1. Feel the truth and integrity of your body’s wisdom.

    Your wild, animal freedom. What does your animal body need right now?

  2. Spend time in community.

    Community is embodied. I’ve made some amazing connections online, but '“community” are not those who will always agree with your views and share the same values. Community are those physically around us who show up with food when you’re sick, or in need of a ride when your car breaks down. This is a good time to catch up and connect in person, (where possible). Embrace sociability and conversation with others. Stay curious.

  3. Work with a Gemini flower essence or energetic medicine.

    Flower essences are particularly helpful for sensitive people and those of us prone to racing thoughts and a mind that’s always “on”.

  4. Protect yourself from burnout.

    This can be a big one when there’s a lot of Air energy - especially when Mercury - our speed-freak of the zodiac is in Gemini. We risk getting over-stimulated. The frenetic zap of Gemini is thrilling, and curiosity is unbounded. Share ideas, but ground and nurture your energy regularly so that you may give generously to yourself and others.

  5. Switch off, step outside.

    Feel the consciousness and raw truth of the elements within and around you.


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