Venus in the Heart of the Lion.
Lady Lionheart has alighted in Sol’s singular Temple of Fixed Fire making an immediate, emphatic (& tellingly defiant) opposition to Pluto in ︎Aquarius. From the moment of Her ingress, Venus declares Her Divine Right of Queens. Flamboyant, extravagant, plush of pelt. This Venus commands catnip & cushions, & creaturely pleasures; no consensus rule for Her.
In ︎Leo, where the radiant warmth of solar light prevails, Venus will sashay for 4 months, from June 5th-Oct 9th (AEST). Lady Lovecat stations rx in Leo on 23rd of July @ 28°36’ - conjunct Fixed Star Regulus - the Heart of the Lion, no less. From here, she’ll pad Her way back to 12°12’ of ︎, SD on Sept 4th (AEST). During Her stay, Venus holds court with an entire cast of starry characters. On June 11th, Aphrodite square-dances in reception with Jupiter in ︎Taurus, delivering an immoderate dose of animal deliciousness & intensity with our benefics, as Lion & Bull, are in the bestiary.
Venus in Leo ︎is one of the year’s most significant transits in which we’ll voyage to the Heart of the Matter. And according to whichever of our Houses Venus resides, (as well as those She rules).
Our relationships, self-worth, dignity, capacity for joy, sovereign pleasure, social relations & affaires de coeur will be highlighted, tested, & possibly reconfigured according to our personal starmaps.
Along the way, Venus will shape-shift from wise Evening Star Empress to Morning Star Warrior-Maiden. We’ll behold our own face(s) in Her fiery mirror; & in Her fierce newborn brightness.
Our courage & desire for creative & romantic expression (with grand gestures) will be stirred. Our capacity for joy, generosity, & dramatic celebration are sites of exploration. Possibly a source of warmth & pride. Sites of tender wounds too.
Venus rx in ︎Leo is our Scheherazade - a storyteller, captivating us for 40 days & 40 nights (or rather, 42). Her dramaturgy engages the mythic elements of our lives. She’s a Greek Chorus while we do the chores, accompanying our joys & heartaches. This Venus challenges us to be sovereigns of our hearts. To recognise that the mundane is not the whole story, but a thinly drawn veil across a stage upon which we’re all players.