The Role of an Astrologer

As an astrologer, I not only hold space for others, but I act as a bridge between the worlds of the symbolic and the everyday, material world. For whilst astrology is a language of the old gods, and an ancient symbolic language, it’s also firmly rooted in the real. My role is to be a facilitator for others to access their own deepest wisdom and inspiration.

And in these particularly challenging times, I also practice astrology because I have a deep desire and calling to be of service to others. To offer encouragement, hope, and support.

I do my best to offer what I myself once ached for: the desire to be seen with empathy and compassion; without criticism and judgement. And without having to tell someone my whole life story, (which can feel exhausting, and even a little unsafe, depending on the circumstances).

Astrology is the art of truly seeing someone, and helping them to feel seen. It’s a way of getting right to the heart of a matter.

In this way, can feel supported during times when we feel lost, or directionless, and maybe in need to fresh insight or perspective.

Maybe you’re at a point of transition in your life – a crossroads – and you’re wondering what next. Or perhaps you’re just curious to gain insights and perspective through a different filter that connects us to a deeper world of human story and experience, and which can help us see the expansive power and uniqueness of your gifts that you are here on earth to give.

To have the privilege of reading someone’s natal chart, to perceive the unique beauty and grace that each chart holds; the patterns and archetypes that dwell therein is a sacred privilege and honour.

I love to show people the beauty and power within them - to hold up to them the mirror of their own magic and possibility. It’s always there.

I invite you to check out my chart services. I also offer special rates to First Nations, BIPOC, and people on low incomes or with disabilities. I also consider in-kind bartering for services. Feel free to contact me if you want to chat some more.


What is Astrology?


New Moon in Aquarius & self-care.