The Music of Astrology.

Solar Music, by Remedios Varo

There’s a poetics at the heart of astrology that’s akin to music or dance in the way the stars express themselves, and aspect one another.

There are endless variations, and each astrological story is unique. Yet again and again they form clear, distinct patterns.

Amidst the noise and the clutter of the collective, with the many parts vying for attention, it can be easy to feel forgotten or unseen. Or to forget ourselves that we each carry our own unique music - a kind of poetic “DNA” that’s woven through our spirits, our hearts, and our bodies too.

As beings woven from nature, we each hold a universe within; a timeless mythic structure, reflected in the cycles and songs of our lives. William Blake’s poem comes to mind:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

This could be a beautiful analogy for a natal chart. A snapshot of a moment in time, and window to an entire world of story that emphasises the sacred value of each precious life on earth.

I believe that each of us is born with a unique “song” or music inside of us, and that our natal charts can offer a kind of key to read that music. Our birth charts contain notes that may be played throughout the course of our lives according to the conditions of our environments, our choices, as well as certain events.

Yet, as in music, not all the notes are played at once. Whilst some notes are loud and declarative, others are barely a whisper. There can be themes played out at different stages of our lives like a refrain, snatches of music that define a period of time, relationships, or experiences. Some are fleeting, some longer lasting.

At times, our music may be strung with melancholy - austere and achingly sad; at others, ecstatic and joyful. Sometimes, when we’re lost, it can feel off-key. All of our songs offer value and beauty, echoing through us and the world.

Our music yearns to be expressed through us as a flowering of our spirit-soul. The beauty of our spirits and our gifts is meant to be shared with others.

When we lean in and listen to the songs of our hearts, and when we are truly heard and beheld by others, the music within us can come alive and thrum with vibrancy and colour.

Our music is a living dynamic expression of our hopes and dreams, who and what we love, and the ocean of story, the cosmology in which we dwell.


You are not your natal chart.


Lammas & Demeter’s Lament