Sun conjunct Neptune.

Image: Ella Pellegrini

There are days of the year when the veil is thin. Two such days are Samhain and Beltane - passed down with old lore from Celtic grannies, books, the etherwebs, or those steeped in the rich antediluvian mud-and-bones of local and/or ancestral Ways.

My own Scottish grandmother would warn me against (or was she enticing me?) walking in the gloaming during these numinous days. “You might be carried off by the fairies”, she’d say. Then ensnared in the timeless days of the Otherworld, whilst eons passed in this one.

Needless to say, I tried.

Sun conjunct Neptune is one such liminal time-space.

This conjunction in Pisces, Temple of shamanic dreams, is to be embraced. And within a stone’s throw of a beautifully domiciled Jupiter, there’s more to relish than resist.

Empathy, sensitivity, and hope (that ol’ Jupiterian chestnut) prevail.

True, there may be trickster fae in the Neptunian mist, especially as Neptune is being gobbled up by the Sun; but this space in-between worlds is largely benign. We have safe passage - only our own delusions will trip us.

When the Otherworld slips through, allow for Divine chaos. Watch the shapes rising in the steam, in the smoke.

Surrender to oracular dreams and visions. Slip into something joyous - wisdom travels through channels attuned to what delights our spirits most.

With shape-shifter Merc now in Pisces, certainty and the rational are bewildered. We swim in the realm of poets, musicians, healers and seers.

We’re best to get out of our own way here, listen deeply; seek not to claim and cage wild wisdom. Mystery is a cat unto Herself.

There may be a feeling of sunlight piercing fog. A gentle illumination, or a gift from a wise ancestor, (best leave the mad, bad ones be).

Identity and archetype merge as the fox with the Moon’s dace, the stones that speak when scattered, the song snatched mid-flight from a raven stealing fire.

Friday Kahlo was born with the Sun conjunct Neptune (in Cancer), with Jupiter close by. Her art exemplifies the convergence of identity, archetypal character and dreamscape perfectly.


Venus square Uranus.


Astrology and Trauma.