Saturn’s Witching Hour - A Virgo Full Moon.
Image: Lucy Campbell
The Virgo-Pisces axis is our Sense & Sensibility. La Lune in Virgo embodies a magically-strung, finely tuned Oracle. Her genius that of channeling, sifting, & harvesting intuitions - bestowing clarity & order
Yet this chaste Moon, blind to Her ruler Mercury, is required to surrender Her habitual discernment. Her sight is shrouded in a poetic, dreaming chaos seismic in its potential.
Lady Moon finds Herself sleepwalking through a nonsensical gothic folly. Here She folds Her clean, white linens carefully away in the coalshed. Her phone is filed in the fridge (true story). Nesting owls knit Her a shawl made of seaweed & sorrows.
There is no sense to be made of things just yet.
This mutable Moon is Hand-Maiden to Saturn’s Piscean ingress, & our lunation hints at a return of the repressed. Undersea volcanoes rumble with our pent-up grief. Our unwritten, unbirthed, unlived Lost Things of these past years. Our hurts, our refusals & (self)denials.
With both a foggy unanchored Mercury & a mouthy Mars (squaring the Moon, & kicking off with Neptune) prominent in this Witching Hour story, we have a messy-tired signature. Uranus sextile to our Luminaries reminds us of a necessary chaos & creativity. Major shifts afoot. A thawing of our overthinking freeze-state. Nervine herbs & sleep are now key.
The Moon casts her silvered gaze over the pelagic night, & within the hour Bone Mother Saturn as Cailleach steps off the edge of Her icy, cragged shores of ︎ Aquarius & into ︎Pisces where She assumes Her fluid Sea-Hag form. Multiple changeling, She is strong in early Pisces. She is the Kracken, enfolding our shipwrecked hopes & dreams, our loneliness & loss in Her tentacled arms. Dragging them down into the fathomless, labyrinthine womb-tomb of Pisces.
The bones we surrender here will be stripped clean & remade according to our daily devotions. A dark shamanic Romanticism, a wild & melancholy mysticism, art without autotune.
The wisdom of Beauty & a compassionate constraint.
More on Saturn in Pisces soon…