New Moon in Pisces.

New Moon in Pisces at 12 degrees, conjunct Jupiter. Exact March 3rd, 4:35am AEDT.

 On hope.

 As we continue to travel the deep rutted roads of these Saturnine years, hope has been given a bad rap. Aligned with a kind of deluded, grasping desperation, hope is seen as dangerously “unrealistic”. Generating expectations that lead to disappointment.

 Can we see Saturn’s influence here?

 Disclaimer: I’m a Jupiter woman, so Jupiter’s ethos colours my lens. I can’t not be hopeful, even as the horizons of the world darken. Especially as the horizons darken. Hope is a byword of Jupiter who wants to build a more beautiful world. In its purest form, hope is an offering - a gift that expects nothing in return. Innocent, sometimes defiant, open-hearted, hope is generous and generative – it’s the tiny spark that can help us survive.

 Active and embodied, hope is expressed most fully in Jupiter’s signs where embodied wisdom is emphasised over intellectualism and analysis. It doesn’t mean ignoring the dark, with fingers plugging ears, singing loudly, clutching at shiny Delusion. That makes brittle & hubristic the soft-bodied humility, courage, & wonder of hope.

 Hope is not theory but action: planting a tree, making art, making love, birthing a child. Hope is a hand extended across the void of grief or illness, a comforting touch, a kind word or gesture in stormy times. These are hope’s gifts to the world. Where hope dwells, love and faith hover close by on the threshold of an open door to Divine possibility. 

 Hope is the light that guides our way home through a benighted forest. It’s the flame quietly tended in our heart(h)s.

 This New Moon in mystical, mutable Pisces - traditional oceanic home of Jupiter, and where Venus is exalted - offers us a gift of hope and redemption. With the Moon conjunct its host Jupiter, there’s an impulse towards creativity, kindness, and compassion.

 Sink into the healing waters. Let faith & hope saturate parched cells. Set aside lists of carved-out stony self-care. Unleash the shamanic spirit: create, dance, play, make art & love – messily spilling your softness over the edges of the world. Let yearning flow through us unbidden as divine impulse – oceanic, infinite. These nutrients like rich sea-foam are needed now. Move as the water moves. Bless it with your love and hope as an offering.

 Pisces often yearns for something that lies beyond. A sacred gift when channelled, this yearning is not the hungry ghost of late-stage capitalism. It’s a desire for communion knowing that when we offer healing and compassion to ourselves, we may offer it to others.

Watch for addictive behaviours, doom-scrolling & excess. Hold firm and gentle boundaries. Go down to the water and pray. Offer it your purifying tears, your tender-hearted hopes and wishes. Be an ancestor to those who will follow. Water holds memory and emotion for future generations.

We’re about to experience the rebirth of not only the Moon, but Jupiter too as the Giant enters the heart of the Sun on March 6th, experiencing a fiery resurrection. This is an empowered moment - the firebird’s renewal and baptism upon the pyre of her nest. With her heliacal rising, a full flowering of expansive Jupiter in Pisces now unfolds.

 We have a way to go yet, (expect breakthroughs closer to the equinox). And yes, the night is dark and full of terrors. But in the words of Martin Luther King Jnr (who had notable Pisces & Jupiter placements), “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope”.  


Astrology and Trauma.


Mars & Venus Sextile Neptune.