New Moon in Cancer: Protection & Prosperity

On July 6th (AEST) New Moon seeds are scattered at 14°23’ of Cancer, conjunct Sirius the Dog Star.

La Lune nestled in the Heart of Her Cancerian homelands is cloaked in Crone darkness. This is the sign of the primordial Mother. She who is mitochondria & matrix – the Source of Life. Hers are the matrilineal mysteries, the Womb of Memory drawn from emotional wisdom & intelligence.

As archetypal Magna Mater, Cancer is both womb & tomb, clawed & caring. Cancer is tremendously sweet, but also fierce, protecting what & who She nurtures.

With every New Moon we enter into the darkness & the heart of the matter. From stillness & silence we await a new birth. This is never more so than with Cancer.

This newborn Moon is butter soft, applying towards a tender embrace with Venus at 22° of Cancer who bestows Her graceful blessings upon this lunation.

A New Moon spouting at 14 degrees of Cancer is best for focused care & attention - for directing our energy towards initiating new goals, projects or dreams that are worthy of our nurturing & protecting. The Sun here illuminates what is worthy of our attention, & we may acquire an awareness of how to resource these things with what they need to become stronger & more abundant. 

This is a Moon for cultivating & tending relationships in the secret gardens of our lives. For renewal of relationship contracts with baked-in health-giving boundaries. A lunation for deepening our connections & feelings of contentment in relationship; & for leaning into the pleasures of time spent with loved ones.

These few days are favourable for sharing delicious soul-food, & for tending the primal hearth fires.

Bake a spell of safety, prosperity & protection for that which you desire to nurture. Allow yourself to conjure the feeling of being truly held in sanctuary. 

Relax & allow for vulnerability & emotional flow. Extend the walls of this container to hold others within the chalice of your care.

The Crab curls Her claws around what is vulnerable, desired, & in need of protection. So too, hold gently & protect fiercely your own loves & dreams, as well as your communities of well-being & safety. Remember that the care of our most vulnerable helps us all grow stronger for what lies ahead. We flourish & prosper as individuals when our communities are strong, & when we share with & nurture one another.

The New Moon is closely configured to Sirius, & Sirius can figure as those who may identify as loners. Those who may feel distant from, or outside the support, comfort & care of family. This is the ache as well as the medicine of this lunation. Nurturing kinship & cooperation, (with your chosen loves) is potent magic for this New Moon. 

This turning point, at the bending of the nodes (half way between eclipses), is an excellent time to both cocoon & bake in new story-spells of personal prosperity & communal care.

In this warm Cancerian cauldron we may conjure food, music & tales of love that stir us with a sense of nostalgia, but which also help us survive & thrive.

Sing your dreams to La Lune, for the voice & its music has power in this second decan of Cancer; evoking magic & magnetism beyond the rational…

Soon after the NM, La Lune is approaching a stern yet cooperative stern trine with Bone Mother Saturn at 19 degrees of Pisces, whilst Saturn remains engaged in an exact sextile to Mars in Taurus. The Moon in a harmonious configuration to both our malefics suggests that though there will be challenges & hard work ahead, we’re offered support & resources to follow through. There’s also an opportunity to feel through some primal emotional wounds as Chiron makes a square to Venus.

Peace to you friends, may you feel all the support & nurturance that this New Moon of gentle spirit offers.



Honouring Bone Mother Saturn


Full Moon in Sagittarius is Jupiter’s Goodbye Kiss.