New Moon in Aquarius - the Body Electric

A fresh lunar New Year arrived a few days ago, & with it a prelude to Pluto in Aquarius.

In the pre-dawn an electrical storm thunders in the distance. Storm coming. Lightning flashes & a bright Maiden Moon - a sickle Saturn Moon - is birthed in the earliest degrees of Aquaria.

In two months from now, Pluto will shift into the Water Carrier, heralding a new epoch. We are offered a hint of what is to come with this lunation.

In early Aquarius ︎our eccentric rebel Moon is (self)exiled on Her heroine’s journey. In these new degrees of the Water Carrier we must leave the bounded structure of the known - the safety of the village, its traditions & conventions. New beginnings require departure.

Independence is both invitation & initiation as we enter a wilderness quest, forging a path through white tundra. The cold is deepening, the light increasing.

We must each find our own way according to our unique vision; defining & discerning our alchemical magic in a synergy of shared humanity.

This stern yet Venusian lunation (in the traditional bounds of Venus) opens us to shared ideas & values (as well as emotional self-sufficiency) for survival. There‘s a brightening of possibility & expansion as the Moon’s renewal is warmly supported by Her sextile to Jupiter in Aries.

Co-present in the later degrees of Aquarius are Venus & Saturn, located in the most ascetic decan of the zodiac. Saturnian ideologies & ideas converge as La Lune heads swiftly into a crystalline convergence with these allies. Their meeting a rare requiem to strengthen & support intuited future worlds.

The Aquarian purpose of both self-sufficiency & interconnectedness is reinforced. As too are long-term visions requiring steadfastness & devotional discipline. From the barren snow, ever-lasting flowers blossom.

Brace for illuminating Promethean storms as Uranus is now direct in Venusian Taurus.

Old pillars leaned upon too heavily may crumble. Those etched with hieroglyphs of old certainties & conventions that boxed us into ill-fitting, well-worn fears may topple. Convenience & consumption run counter to creativity & growth.

The NM offers us a glimmering prologue to Pluto in Aqaurius. Look for signs & wonders in these omened moments as the epoch shimmers & shifts between the old & the new.


Venus in Pisces is Somatically Seductive


A Butter-soft Full Moon in Cancer