Mars in Cancer - Domestic Passions

Mars is in the sign of Cancer from the 25th of March-21st of May, 2023.

Mars through Gemini has been our Epic of Gilgamesh. A 7-month (s)word-y saga challenging us to become adepts of assertive communication. In your House of the The Twins, Mars has had more than ample time to splatter His hot-sauciness.

Gemini’s mutable rubberband genius has been stretched to its anarectic. We’re all possibly feeling a little exhausted, as that’s a lot of Mars in one sign, for such an extended period.

But now the release…the Fall of Mars deep into the belly of the Cancerian cauldron. A less frenetic, more emotional space.

Mars in Cancer is Kali in the kitchen wearing armour, babe at Her breast. Battleaxe at the ready. Swords, soup, & mood-swings. Ironsides are hearthside. Ghosts & memories of fallen ancestors stalk the halls. The womb-tomb of memory & childhood, a messy nostalgia.

Waterlily, willow, milk & moonstone, silvered scimitar.
Skewered on a spit.

Clan, crest, cradle.
Bone & battlefield
Motherhood & memory
Our amniotic animus
Cut from the waters of the womb.

Mars in a Water sign tends to avoid overt aggression & conflict if possible. Their weapons more defensive than offensive. Fiercely, awe-inspiringly protective towards those they love. And none more so than Mars in Cancer.

This is a Mars fallen…out of self-preservation & into the primordial Waters of the Great Mother. Mars expresses a (s)mothering care & creative chaos. Mars in Cancer is sentimentally desirous. A moody maternal Mars passionately protective of kith & kin. Instincts & intuition domestically driven. Cuddles with claws.

Mars in Cancer now squares (by wholesign) our stellium in Aries, & forms a harmonious trine with Bone Mother Saturn in Pisces. Mars in Cancer will also host & flavour our next New Moon in Aries on April 20 (AEST), & the total solar eclipse following 2 hours later.


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