Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio: Healer’s Moon
Image: Stephen Mackey’s L’Oeillard
Keywords: purging poisons, purifying & protecting the life-source or well-spring. Passion, truthful desire.
This is the completion of an 18 month cycle in the Fixed Venus & Mars ruled signs. Desire and passion, self-worth & value, need & necessity have been karmically teased & tested through the nodes, acting as (acu)pressure points in our charts as they move backwards through the zodiac. The nodes trigger, tone & release karmic blockages and fated events. Strengthening our resilience and resourcefulness.
A lunar eclipse is a South Node eclipse whereby something that needs to end or be released falls away and recedes. This is an intensely watery eclipse. Hosted by ruler Mars, Fallen in Cancer. The Moon trines the malefics as both Mars and Saturn are in Water signs, (along with Neptune in Pisces). This aids the Moon in her sobering karmic task of purging and releasing the waste waters of our lives.
As La Lune swells in Her glittering Scorpion skin, we enter fathomless depths. Pelagic emotions & oceans of memory - ancestral too preside here. The eclipse invites us to enter with trust the dark belly of a Whale seeking briny depths; rubbing Her skin against the barnacled, creaking hull of a ship spilling its bilge water. We may overreact, feel touchy & heartsore. Old wounds may ache with echoes of grief, betrayal, anger, hurt.
However, this Stinging Moon - a Healers Moon is well-equipped to handle the sore and sorry work of the soul. Here She embodies La Scorpione's vast alchemical power. She who holds & protects with fierce, passionate tenderness. She who takes in rot & carrion & poison, transforming it into rich regenerative, life-giving nutrients.
The Full Moon in Scorpio and Fallen host Mars in Cancer are in a mutual reception, providing support to one another.
A Scorpio Moon is a Moon in Her Fall, & oft misunderstood. Tender & powerful by turns, Scorpio is a fearless alchemist. This sign more than any other is capable of transforming toxins and purging parasites whilst compassionately abiding and midwifing without judgement our raw, unpalatable emotions.
With this lunation opposite a Mercury rx and unpredictable Uranus in Taurus, we may encounter instability. Something rocks our little boat upon the stormy sea.
At this point we can more easily be led by our emotions, and whilst they may need a healthy outlet, our emotions can show us the truth of our desire. The mythic and embodied ground of our connection to what truly matters.
We carry within us fertile, life-giving pomegranate seeds, and as we scatter them through the dark, they glow like rubies, guiding us towards renewal. We need not hold on so tightly out of fear. The end that was a beginning with our last eclipse in Aries is carrying us toward the shore with this queenly tide.
We know that we cannot drink from a poisoned well. In trusting Scorpio's integrity to release toxins, there is a cleansing of the Waters. The Source or well-spring of our lives has the chance to be rejuvenated, offering us renewed abundance and fertility. Especially with our Greater Benefic Jupiter soon to be reborn in Venus ruled Taurus, on May 17 (AEST).