Libra Season & the Art of Life

LIBRA SEASON descends with swelegant taste & grace.

Lady Justice at the midpoint of the zodiac embodies the laws of nature - order & chaos, light & dark. Decisions are weighed carefully for this moment is the tipping point between life & death.

The Turning towards Scorpionic depths dwells in the Libran soul, as much as pleasingly pretty arrangements. The ancient Greeks included Libra in the constellation of Scorpio as the Claws of the Scorpion.

The architecture of love & relationships is key with Libra. The soulful, solar purpose Falls into balancing polarities, often see-sawing between extremes. Concerned with relationships & equality, Libra is focused less on the self than upon connection to others. Cooperation & compromise produce a potent incense of diplomacy. Smudge thyself with Libra’s social graces.

Truth, Beauty, Justice are Libran ideals. Make no mistake, kindness is not weakness, & Libra is no powder-puff. Many a warrior of Justice is born beneath this sign, & whether artist or activist, theirs is a potent political perfume spiked with a steely, intelligent discernment.

Libra is a decidedly Yang expression of Venus, motivated to connect with Cardinal ambition & idealism. The drive is to sculpt harmony, & beautify the world around them in connection.

Amenable, reasoned Libra is polite, & accommodating, but behave shabbily, exploit, take them for granted, or trash their boundaries, & you’ll eventually encounter Nemesis. This is Saturn’s exaltation after all, & Libra is not only judge but executioner.

Take a leaf out of Libra’s book & see other points of view. Ask, “how would I feel if that was me or mine?” Fairness & respect is Libra’s love language. Balance is their eternal quest, (their brains may break if things aren’t even).

Both Sun in Libra & host Venus in Virgo are in their Fall as Merc rx is melting into a cazimi - entering the heart of the Sun. This sublime embrace could offer us a revelation amidst the somewhat dry, mercurial overthinking of late.

What moment of equilibrium might grace our Libran twilight? What just decisions are needed? Can we make peace with integrity, allowing space for others without compromising the self?

Take pleasure in the flux & flurry, the seduction of beauty. Be kissed by the sweet darkness & the fury of light. Be the poem. Your life is your Art.


Venus in Libra - A Season of Beauty


Full Moon in Pisces - the Selkie’s Moon