Jupiter re-enters Aries with Solstice Fire
Image credit: Rob Carlos
Made ancient & luminous in the bubble of those enlarged Piscean hours, Jupiter at 29° was a great pregnant pause as He prepared to midwife His (re)birth into Aries.
This is a truly empowered moment. Like the Sun rising over the great pyramids, or light streaming into the darkness of a Neolithic tomb. Both akin to, & mirroring the approaching Solstice. Our great benefic dawns in Aries, lifting & lightening our spirits.
Aries - exaltation of the Sun - infuses our hopes & philosophies with fresh enthusiasm & fiery inspiration. The beginning of our Jupiter cycle through the zodiac.
Once in the Ram’s domain, our BFG Jupiter’s instinct is to excitedly proclaim His courageous philosophy, & gallop unimpeded out the gate. This is a restless, excessive Jupiter, blazing with heroic generosity. When ingressed into Aries in May, the BFG only made it to 9° of the Ram before retrograding back into Pisces. This time however, Jupiter will speed through all of Aries by May 16th. There’s a sense of urgency with this Jupiter: Must do it all yesterday! And lo! Behold my eleventy-billion brilliant plans!
Yet Jupiter’s ingress to our 0° Aries point - a reset, a new beginning - also requires a moment of pause.
With Mars, ruler of Aries still rx in Gemini (& still micromanaging the merde out of everything ) this is not quite yet the moment to take action.
More than that…there’s so much magic afoot. More than the usual luvs.
Can you feel the thrum & thrill of it?
These Solstice days. Days wherein we may unfurl old, secret spells of magical beasts & where to find them: Centaur & Mergoat - old gods hiding in plain sight beneath the bling. There in the roots & shoots of trees. Winking & wycked with their old forest faces. They rise to the surface of the human world, called by ancient rites & offerings veiled lightly in modernity.
These balsamic, waning hours invite us to shed & release our little deaths. Turn our senses inward & abide with that deep, old Earth magic as She beckons us towards a blessed New Moon…
A Dreamseeding Moon…