Dark Lord Pluto Stations Direct in Capricorn.

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The purpose of Pluto, our Dark Convulsive Lord of the Underworld has always been rebirth & transformation. Neither can be effected without long sojourns in the Underworld. If we erased our seasons of Shadow in favour of Light, we’d deplete, grow brittle, & empty of spirit.

This is Pluto’s sacred, uncompromising work. It’s natural to fear the rupture & deaths of ourselves as we regenerate & renew those areas of life where Hades throws his shadows. Yet this is how we give birth to life & to ourselves beyond the static comforts we desire.

Capricorn is the sign of Saturn as a Crone. Ancient Feminine Earth wisdom - the bridge between spirit & matter. Fate-weaver. As old as Silence, Survival & Death.

She is always there with her bare twigged arms, a cold embrace in the dead heart of Winter, holding fast. But without Her stony abiding there would be no Spring.

Pluto’s journey through the House of the Bone Mother has shown how deeply embedded we are in systems that dishonour the hallowed ground of the Crone’s bones; together with the bones of trees & sunlight that we should have left untouched.

A colonising culture has concreted over deeper truths, & told us a million corporate lies about success & survival.

Look to the truth of Bone Mother who feeds Her grandchildren with wisdom, dark humour & dedication, the gifts of Earth & bedrock. She builds a slow & stern ascent towards all that which grants us strength & spirit.

She is not patriarchy. She’s been merely “suited up” in Prada & clichés by a culture that doesn’t value its Elders.

Bone Mother cackles at our follies as Pluto explodes them.

Watch closely as the rich, antediluvian seam is exposed further, along with immature facades. Pluto erupts, destroys, & scatters pyroclastic rock along with all He’s composted in Capricorn.

An exalted Mercury in Virgo ︎ trines Pluto throughout the crucial stationing, & for a few days after. As the Alchemist, Maiden Mercury moves between the worlds, channeling insights from Pluto.

Oracular Maiden & Volcanic Crone speaking Earth truths & exposing faultlines. Watch for any precious gems glinting in the dark loam.


A Bright, Healing Full Moon in Aries


Venus in Libra - A Season of Beauty