An Eclipse Cycle Completes: Full Moon in Taurus
Image: Theseus & Ariadne, by Angelica Kauffmann.
FULL MOON IN TAURUS @ 5°09': 29 OCT, 7:24 AM AEDT | 29 OCT, 9:24 AM NZDT | 28 OCT, 10:24 PM CEST | 28 OCT, 1:24 PM PDT
PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE 29 OCT, 7:14 AM AEDT | 29 OCT, 9:14 AM NZDT | 28 OCT, 10:14 PM CEST | 28 OCT, 1:14 PM PDT
Themes: resources & resourcefulness, material & spiritual abundance. The true value of things & what we truly value.
Welcome to Scorpio Season. A Season of depth & desire. And with Mars returned to its nocturnal Home in the Scorpio, we have a magnetically powerful stellium of Sun, Mercury & Mars arraigned in opposition to the Moon & Jupiter for this eclipse.
With the return of Eclipse Season, we entered liminal time, walking the Minotaur's labyrinth - a place of initiation along the fixed Earth-Water axis of Taurus-Scorpio; between the worlds.
The In-Between is magic in & of itself, & surrendering is the only spell required of us, for this is not a time to perform ritual magic. The nodes are the wild white horses that ride the waves of our lunations.
As we near the swansong eclipse for the Taurus-Scorpio axis (for some years) this weekend, we may ask,
what soulful treasures have we gleaned from the passionate fecundity of these territories? Territories defined by what we desire & what we require. And by our skillful means made manifest concerning our material & psychological resources.
The Moons of November 2021 saw the first of eclipses in the Bull & Scorpion. I've referred to the myth of Ariadne in relation to this eclipse axis - her blood-red thread unravelling us & our certainties, but also guiding us through the dark labyrinth & out again.
In May 2022 I wrote about the New Moon Eclipse first in Taurus, followed by a Full Moon eclipse with La Lune Fallen in Scorpio, as we made the inevitable descent into the eclipse Underworld...
...we spiral through the labyrinth, making a dark descent into the womb of night, connected always by Her scarlet thread to the Earth. The thread of desire, love, memory, loss, our blood & ancestry. We carry within us the seeds - the ruby jewels of the Taurean New Moon's conception & promise.
Are they rubies or replicas you hold fast in your belly, & if rubies they be, at what price do they come to you? What must we shed or release? What must we let die for those dreams to be of true, lasting value to us?
This powerful partial lunar eclipse is now completing that cycle - not with a Fallen Moon - but with La Lune exalted in Taurus; & at 5°. This degree is also significant because it’s where Jupiter in Taurus will station to turn direct on the last day of the year. This eclipse will be speaking to Jupiter’s remaining journey through Taurus.
With this eclipse, there remains a symbolic signature from last November’s eclipse, with the host of the eclipse being a Fallen Venus; patient & devotional in Virgo. No sparkly, quick fixes or superficial remedies for Her.
So we follow the red thread out of the Underworld holding our precious ruby seeds close. There may be fewer of them than before - we may have left some of them behind, & spent time grieving their loss. Those that remain they may be dearer to us now.
What soil have we tended & composted so that our dreams may flower & fruit? What has withered & die within this cycle? Scorpio & its Season has the capacity to integrate & transform our dark sorrows & deaths, in readiness for the alchemy of Sag Season.
Do you have greater clarity or illumination regarding your desires since November 2021? What is it that you truly value now?
Look to the areas of life where Taurus & Scorpio are located in your natal chart as to how these stories have played out.
Straight after the eclipse, Mistress Moon forms a beautiful trine with ruler Venus, offering us an opening & a softening. A well-omened moment for a reset, or for bridge-building without shortcuts after the letting go.
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