Pomegranate Astrology

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Virgo Season: Remember your Magic

Detail from ancient Egyptian painting.

Virgo channels a harvest of light & magic from the angelic realms. Form & function blend with elegance, & a dignity every bit as worthy as Leo’s.

But here in Virgo, the Sun glows more unassuming, & just a mite more meticulous & high-strung, anticipating the coming darkness. 

Our Sun’s expression here is service & synthesis. To what, to whom, to how is each to their own, & exquisitely unique.  

When the Sun alighted in Virgo, exalted host Mercury in lustrous Feminine form, winked at Him from the late degrees of Her domain. 

It was an auspicious arrival for our Sun as shamanic Evening Star Merc, luminous, resourceful & unto Herself, formed a trine with Dark Lord Pluto. Insights are unearthed & diligently plucked from the black gold of our collective soul-compost. Resources gathered with crafty discernment in preparation for the descent into Libra’s light & shadow-play later. 

Mercury will dance back & forth between Virgo & Libra during its rx pavane from September 10, emphasising discrimination & detail; caution & critique. 

Virgo’s adaptable alchemy allows us to cast a critical eye over the stories continuing to unfold across the eclipse axis of Taurus-Scorp. We can bring a little order to the chaos during Virgo - the prepper’s season.

Though modest & reserved, Virgo embodies the restlessness of a mutable sign. The dynamic tension of the Virgo Sun squaring a Gemini Mars, only magnifies Mercury’s nervy theme du jour.

Virgo’s humility may temper & restrain Mars a little. But Mars does have the upper hand in an over-coming square. Feisty, fast & razor-sharp in Gemini, his story unfolds over 7 looong months; offering lessons on how the might of pen & (s)word are indeed weapons. Our communications & comm techs are on steroids during this time, along with with verbal sparring & games of wit.

So, purify. Plan with purpose, apply due diligence. Sort the wheat from the chaff in this season of observation. Attend closely to messages from beyond the veil.

Beware of fussiness, pedantry & the anxiety that often begets these lesser selves. 

Look to the star in the evening - Mercury shining radiant, bright & quiet. Shaman, Maiden, High Priestess. She beholds you, & seeks your face as much as you do Her. You are Her beloved. Allow the grace of clarity. Remember your own magic.