Pomegranate Astrology

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Venus in Magical Gemini

Gillian Owens in the film Practical Magic, based on the book by the same name by Alice Hoffman. Gillian is an archetypal Venus in Gemini, played here by Nicole Kidman who has Venus in Gemini natally.

Venus has wings in Gemini. Tripping and teasing with Her ingress, Her entry into Gemini’s breezy Airspace marks her joining with host Mercury in what can be seen as a fortunate alliance.

Mercury’s presence supports Venus, blessing Her with an abundance of charm and enchantments; and possibly a spell of good fortune.

This Venus is where the heart meets the mind. A not-so-fashionable idea these days as memos and meme culture tell us to “be in our hearts”, as though the mind by its nature must be all dry theory, and in a chilly exile from a caring heart.

Venus in Gemini overturns such nonsense, and asks us to examine our careworn fables and labels. She encourages a lightness of touch, to laugh a little, and not take ourselves too seriously.

This Venus demonstrates that a diamond mind can polish and refine a compassionate heart. One can be empty and shallow without the other.

With Venus in Gemini, commitment and heavy emotions are less compelling than ideas and multiple interests. Conversation is a titillating and inclusive love-language.

Flirtation is an Art.

At times giddy and skittering, but never dull, this sparkling, charismatic jewel of a Venus is a multi-faceted Renaissance rogue.

A number of Venus in Gemini people I know have the gift of taking information and making it beautiful - often with breathtaking, off-the-cuff speed and efficiency.

Diversely desirous and playful, this is an infinitely curious, mutable expression of Aphrodite.

Angels and demons anoint Her, for She is wicked, arch, and angelic. Gemini Venus has a changeling’s magic, with a scintillating pinch of chaos.