Pomegranate Astrology

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Venus in Libra - A Season of Beauty

Lady Justice by David Howard Johnson


There’s been some challenging astrology this year. We can feel it in our bones & nervous systems as we head into another eclipse season.

A muscular Saturn in Aquarius & Uranus - our Sir Suddenly - in Taurus, (pumped up on North Node steroids), are (re)engaged in a square-off; shaking our paradigms until our teeth rattle, & jolting our realities.
Merc rx in Virgo, in its oracular exaltation requires our exhaustive attention to detail. A beautiful, but exacting refinement that will pay off in time if we humbly accept the challenge.

Yet…enter Venus, bestowing her gifts like a fairy godmother at a benighted christening. She’s here to lighten our load for the duration of Libra Season. Settling in beside the Sun, the plot of Libra can flower fulsomely. Venus in Her chariot is protected from the Sun’s singe.

An initiatory impulse towards relatedness, Beauty (it’s own powerful medicine), fair-mindedness & harmony is so welcome right now. This Venus is a justice warrior lending Her sword to the embattled cries of women rising. Implacably just, hers is the iron fist in the velvet paw. The Feminine principle in Her Cardinal Yang.

Truth is Beauty, & Beauty is Truth with this expression of Venus.

In the personal realm, refined creativity & cooperation, peaceable intelligence & sociable grace help us to enjoy being with & appreciating one another.

This empowered Venus helps us to enjoy, embrace & appreciate la dolce vita with a refined edge.

You may feel inclined towards rest, relaxation & pleasure - all powerfully restorative to the body & nervous system. These are soulful, necessary resources we can draw upon when we feel the pressure later.

Venus in Libra can people-please, but this impulse reveals a genuine idealism that yearns for balance, equality, peace & harmony.

On the 30/9 Venus heads into an opposition with Jupiter in Aries - the tussle & tension of opposites between generous benefics.

As we head toward a FM on the 10/10 (AEST) - an especially potent & positive lunation - feed your Venus well. Fill your heart & senses with joy & delight. Empower Her purpose.

Check your anxieties & polarities at the door, embrace romanticism & enjoy the sensual, soulful fusion of life & art; as well as all the contradictions that can be held gracefully in the moment.