Pomegranate Astrology

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Venus Cazimi in Libra

The Kiss, by Gustav Klimt

On the 23rd of Oct, (AEDT), as a prelude to the New Moon eclipse next week, Venus & the Sun King enter a lovers embrace at 29° Libra.

As Lady Love dances into the heart of the Sun in a cazimi, this dlerious tryst occurs at the final, urgent, anarectic degree of Libra.

Here we’re required to make decisions we can no longer defer or prolong. We may need to bridge a gap between the known & unknown, & in our relationships.

The 29th degree of ︎ is a passionate, & declarative degree of Mars along the via combusta. We may be feeling the swirling rush of the Air gods blowing back our hair, before the dive into the transformative, dark intensity of Scorpio.

During the cazimi, Venus in Libra will be in her Chariot & thus spared a scorching in the fiery heart of the Sun. As Aphrodite melts into the arms of Apollo, we may be offered a sudden flash of insight or awareness, a moment of Beauty or rapture, seeing beyond the veil of appearances to the heart of a searing truth or desire. Especially around relationships, women, or our values.

It’s also a moment of rebirth for Venus, as she’s transformed from Morning Star Warrior - in ︎, a champion of women’s rights - to a more circumspect Evening Star.

In this final moment before rebirth, & Her descent into the Underworld, Venus feels a rush of desire to build a bridge - to both support relationships & offer safe passage to those She champions across dark waters.

Go gently now with what you wish for. Eclipse Season will challenge us to get real about our needs versus our wants. The Feminine & its resources will be in need of our support & protection.