Pomegranate Astrology

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Self-Care for a Dark Moon in Libra


With the velvet, darkling Moon entering Libra tomorrow, we enjoy a cazimi-kissed swansong to Libra Season.

Enjoy with these waning hours a well-nourished & empowered Venus to support you through the DM & beyond.

Hold in your heart the Rose of this Venusian solar bloom, for She will be sustenance & medicine along the path through the dark woods.

During this DM, a momentous shift occurs as Time Lord Saturn lurches to a halt. Stationing direct following His rx, we may find our plans move forward again with the final chapter of His Aquarian sojourn.
Though Saturn remains implacable & unyielding in Aquarius, He prepares to descend from his stony castle in the Air, plodding in concrete boots towards oceanic depths in Pisces.

For now, coddle your body & nervous system. All Dark Moon’s invite us to rest, (a privilege not granted to all, I realise).

Yet rest & self-nurturance is especially crucial for caregivers with this DM. Mama Moon represents our nurturing & mothering instincts (this is not confined to gender & not only applicable to literal mothers & motherhood).

As La Lune prepares to eclipse, restorative practices that nourish the body are key.

Herbal support for the transition into Scorpio Season…(use as only as advised by your healthcare practitioner):

Maca - for adrenal support. For Mars in Gemini is a hectic little fellow.

Rose - the heart-medicine of Venus. Epic & timeless.

Blessed thistle - herb of Scorpio - a protective nervine, hormone balancer, & blood purifier in preparation for Scorpio Season.

Damiana - to relaaax…

Some years ago I trained in tantric temple practices amongst women, but it’s simple to create your own temple rituals…enjoying candlelit (or low-light) evenings, burning herbs; bathing in waters strewn with flowers, & anointing your precious body with oils (a Venusian act of devotion & self-worship).

Dance, enjoy, create, release, rest. Be without agenda.

Be watchful, within & without. Breathe in the enchanted quiet of dusk.

Soften towards your own darkness. Watch the shadow-play without judgement.

Then gather ye ravens for the descent…