Pomegranate Astrology

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Mistress Moon is Full in Sagittarius

Goddess Diana, by Orazio Gentileschi, 1625.

On June 14th, a Full Moon rises in Sagittarius at 23°25’.

La Lune, our Great Mother archetype waxes quixotic in the sign of The Archer - our double-bodied Fire sign.

This Supermoon nurtures a feral philosophy. Hope-filled and louche, this is a wildling’s Moon.

For those of you in the North of the world, this is your sweet, plump Strawberry Moon. Here, in the South, we tunnel deep into the dark hours of Winter as we hurtle towards the longest night. We burrow, retreat and rest. For this is the Cold Moon. For the Bunurong People, traditional owners of the land upon which I dwell, this season is Bullarto Dumbalk, (Plenty Winter).

these moments before the lengthening of days are a test of faith - trusting the light will return. Sag is the keeper of this audacious hopeful flame. The lantern in the Darkness that resists extinguishing.

The Moon in the mutable Jupiter-ruled signs is embodied wisdom and big-picture visions. In Sagittarius, She is boundless in her optimism - rebellious, reckless even; but especially with this lunation as She trines ruler Jupiter in incendiary Aries.

This is the Wild Hunt. An enflamed and elemental moment to embrace. Possibly also a moment of emotional intensity and release.

Attune to the songlines of land and heart - of blood-rush and pulse. the scent of moonlight on skin.

Liberated from Her eclipse cycles across the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, La Lune’s hunting horn echoes a clarion call from the December 2020 eclipse at this exact same degree.

What is that past self calling into the present moment? With what do we ride? With whom do we run - the fox or the hounds? Hint: La Lune is Her own Mistress. Touch not the cat.

There’s also Mercury’s ingress into Gemini - bright jazz-hands waving at the Moon. Mistress Moon Herself is squaring off with Neptune as He wraps Her free spirit in His dreamy sea-mist embrace. Romanticism & delusions collide.

In the spirit of this Moon, I’m tending the flame of my fireside. The flame is the Heart of Winter upon which all life depends.

Journal as you wish. Arrange your crystals, anoint your precious body in oils. These are beautiful and true acts of spirit. But…if your whim is to toss it all aside, grin wickedly at the Moon, and dream boundlessly, shamelessly…then I’ll be joining you.