Pomegranate Astrology

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Mars, Uranus & NN in Taurus: Trust the Songlines.

Trust the songlines…

Lady Moon is conjunct Mars, Uranus, & the North Node in Taurus today, on the eve of Leo Season. A refrain rising as Mars is applying to an exact conjunction with Uranus & the NN on August 2nd (AEST) at 18° Taurus. Host Venus will be at 18° Cancer - exactly sextile the Gathering in Taurus. 

The North Node - the Dragon’s Head - amplifies the nature & energy of any planet or point it touches. The Dragon’s Head is hungry by nature. 

Our nervous & electrical systems may be sensitive now, & our intuition may be heightened. We may be feeling squeezed with an intense urge to break out & make innovative or radical changes in whatever area of our lives the Taurean congregation is focused. 

Traditions & processes in regards to land, food, & earth resources may be challenged & highly charged. 

Can we take this as an opportunity for renewal & integration, resisting radicalisation?

Revolution, rebirth, reinvention require discomfort, not violence.

Personally, I don’t believe we dwell in the Anthropocene - I‘ve never been on board with that term. I see this epoch as the Chthulucene (see Donna Haraway’s work).

We are birthing life from an ancient underworld - from compost & stars & fierce Mother Love. We are participating in a mycelian epoch, & the enemy is empty distraction. 

Find moments of stillness to listen & attune to the songlines of the Earth. These voices will be amplified now. Trust your intuition. Trust it deeply. We are channels for these truth-speaking songs. This is the counter-culture we need now. 

“[The Chthulucene] is made up of ongoing multispecies stories & practises of becoming-with in times that remain at stake, in precarious times, in which the world is not finished & the sky has not fallen - yet”. (Haraway, 2016)