Pomegranate Astrology

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Mars the Minotaur & Mercury the Crab

Within mere minutes of one another, Mars & Mercury are set to change signs & elements. A moste pleasing symmetry & cooperation of thought & action.

However, Mars the Ram brazen at the gates of Venus, is about to enter His exile in Taurus. Mars retains his horns, but slows his stampede, becoming the Beast of the Field. The Warrior in the Garden. 

Mars has to follow Venusian House rules, requiring Him to be less brash & more controlled. 

In Taurus, Mars is the Minotaur. Kept below stairs & out of sight in the labyrinthine basement, (probably lifting weights). This Mars is both weapon & resource in empire-building.

Whilst yoked to Lady Gaia’s plough, Mars is forbidden to trample the Venusian flower beds. His stomping & screaming is muffled & sent underground. Cantankerous & steadfast as the Bull, he’s yet capable of explosive fury.

Winking over at Mars, Mercury wades into the emotional waters of Cancer soon after Mars’ ingress.  

The Messenger in the Home of Great Mama Moon will imbue our thoughts & communications with emotion. This is a brief 2 week stint in which we’ll feel the pull towards memory, instinctive Knowings, & the care & protection of that which feels vulnerable. 

All Water Mercs emphasise intuitive, & emotional thought & expression, but none more so than empathic Cancer. Those of us with Water Mercs may heave a sob of relief with this ingress, feeling this gentler nostalgic Merc a welcome respite from the buzz, speed & playfulness of a Gemini Hermès. 

With Mercury in Crabland watch for hypersensitivity & jumping on emotional or irrational bandwagons. Remembering that caring & activism ultimately occur outside the meme maze of the metaverse. 

This is a good time to express our thoughts & feelings non-verbally: a reassuring touch, a hug, eye contact, deep listening, hand-holding. Acts of abiding. Empathically & imaginatively engaging with facts, ideas & arguments.

Now is the calmer prelude to a wild ride in late July when Mars bumps into Uranus.

Build your energy reserves. Rest, restore, remember.