Pomegranate Astrology

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Lammas & Demeter’s Lament

Demeter’s Mourning by Evelyn de Morgan.

As Mercury stationed direct at 24 degrees Capricorn, here in the Lands of Summer, it’s Lammas, (actual date, but many also observe the calendar date - whichever resonates for you).

When I think of Lammas, I think of Demeter’s lament, as with the harvesting of the earth’s abundance she prepares to relinquish her beloved daughter, Persephone - embodiment of the seed, her symbol the Pomegranate - to the depths of the earth in the Underworld.

Today is a threshold time fo the light, for the season, and also for our fickle friend Mercury.

Uncertainty accompanies endings, but there’s also liberation, and a space for renewal.

For those in Northern Climes, the first light of Spring as Imbolc is given added momentum by all the planets (finally!) in direct motion.

Not sure about you, but I’m quite happy for the end of Mercury’s navel gaze, especially following Venus’s recent looong and scouring retrograde. Venus all these months in Capricorn has challenged us to look deeply into our values and relationships, to reevaluate and see where the cracks are in the foundations.

Karmic relationships may have made a reappearance (think back to what may have been happening in this area in 2013 with the last Capricornia retro).

Mercury has added emphasis to these issues, skating into Pluto just to bring the point home with a short, sharp slap.

Venus will meet again soon-ish for more trauma-bonding with Pluto, Prince of Darkness, (or in other forms, Kali Ma, Pele, et al); requiring us to purge and transform more of the same.

Questions born of this time may be: is there reciprocity and grown my relationships? What values and relationships need to transform? Or what /with whom are you just pushing too much merde too hard uphill for the same looping result?

Maybe all of that simply needs to be released to die? No more Mouse Running on Wheel.

By the end of it all, we may just be more than ready to let go of what we once never imagined we could.

It’s time to sow new seeds.