Pomegranate Astrology

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Honouring Bone Mother Saturn

Image courtesy of the Embodied Astrology Podcast

Hello friends, I wanted to pop in and give you a quick update. Firstly, this chat I was honoured to have with the warm and extraordinary Sherri Taylor on the Embodied Astrology podcast. Also do check out Sherri’s course Coagula et Solve: devotional offerings exploring the femme face of Saturn. I’m thrilled when I discover others working with this expression of Saturn,& I’m grateful to Sherri for reaching out & inviting me to talk all things Bone Mother Saturn with her.

Bone Mother - our chthonic Magna Mater - is wide awake now! Collectively it feels as though we’re also awakening to Her power & teachings at a time when the Earth & all of Her creatures are most in need of Her fierce & unflinching wisdom & protection.

It’s Winter here in my part of the world. A time to slow down and rest where possible. The mountain is shrouded in mist, candlelight flickers in the cold morning light & I’m burrowed in deep with Bone Mother Saturn.

This year I’ve been experiencing my closing Saturn square. The square that leads up to the completion of Saturn’s cycle with my Saturn return in 7 years or so from now. Of course, I’m referring to my second Saturn return which is a seasoning into elderhood, just as the the first Saturn return can be understood as an initiation into adulthood.

This has certainly been both a challenging & fascinating time as my chart has a big Saturn signature. So Bone Mother rumbles big an’ loud in my life, & She’s working Her alchemy through me to crush the grains of sand into pearls. There are seismic surges as Saturn in Pisces dissolves me in Her depths.

For many, many people, whether or not you’re experiencing a specific Saturn transit, Saturn in Pisces has been showing up as bone-deep exhaustion. It’s powerfully somatic, & you’re not imagining it!

It’s ok to allow the exhaustion & not shame yourself for it. This can figure as fatigue & dissolution of all kinds. Fatigue of the spirit & of the flesh. Things fall away, cycles complete in Pisces, this last sign of the zodiac.

But in this letting go, we may also access the imaginal & emotional realms.

And it’s through these different layers of Otherworld consciousness that we may source deeper more authentic seeds & structures for the birth of a new cycle.

It’s strange and dark down there, but I’m leaning in & surrendering to the uncertainty. This rain-cocooned Winter is a good time for this. I’m spending a lot of time (more time than I expected - but that’s Saturn!) writing about saturnian themes.

And as a result I’m aiming to release a series of inter-disciplinary articles all about Bone Mother Saturn that have been culminating in me & out on the page these past months.

For those who wish to explore their own natal Saturn in more depth, or if you’re experiencing a Saturn transit of any kind, I offer Meeting the Bone Mother readings.

See the link below to learn more...

Until next we meet, take care and my warmest wintry blessings to you!

Antoinette x