Pomegranate Astrology

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First Quarter Moon in Virgo

Image: detail from Apollo Pursuing Daphne, by René-Antoine Houasse.

Approaching Her First Quarter, La Lune wears Her Maiden’s face in Virgo.

Quarter Moons hold both map and key to our path through the star labyrinth. Our Lady Moon illuminates the clues we crave in the dark.

All Her faces sing us Home to our lost selves. Never alone, Her red thread unravels us into the deeper blood mysteries of a darkening year. As the light returns, Her silvered stories are woven through our bright & burgeoning days.

A Moon in Virgo points to ruler, Mercury (who also exalts in the sign of the Maiden). Hermes is now post-retrograde and direct in Taurus - the Moon’s place of exaltation. Though yet moving through His retrograde Shadow, and in a fading square to Saturn, Mercury is now in promising condition. This is the clue.

Taurus, Fixed, Earth Temple of Venus however, is the key, and where much of this month’s story unfolds. Our material existence, our embodied life. Venus in residence magnifies these qualities and desires.

On June 8th, at the moment she reaches Her First Quarter, La Lune at 16° Virgo will trine Uranus - Lord Suddenly - in Taurus. It’s a Taurean theme tune with an elegant lunar exclamation mark.

On June 11th, Mercury in the explosive, final Martial degrees of the Bull, will trine Pluto, potentially transforming our ways of thinking; our ideas, and unearthing hidden or previously unseen possibilities.

On June 12th, Venus as our barefoot Taurean Seductress, dances into an embrace with Uranus. You may feel the anticipation as our Mad Uncle has been foraging for mushrooms and baking special cakes in His drunken tattoo parlour. Setting the scene for His hot, (possibly inappropriate) date with Lady Love, he’s decided against soft candlelight & Barry White, in favour of Roman candles & Death Metal. As is His wont.

Abrupt changes, possible breakthroughs or disruptions around resources, money, food, romance, values - all of these may be on the wildcards.

When Our Lady Moon’s belly swells Full in Sagittarius, a fresh-minted Mercury in Gemini will be birthed, singing us nimbly back to our First Quarter chorus.