Pomegranate Astrology

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Dark Lord Pluto Enters Revolutionary Aquarius

Tonight is the ingress of our Dark & under-bellied Lord Pluto into Aquarius. He pads velvet-pawed & dagger-clawed into the revolutionary Water Bearer.

Pluto’s initial sojourn in Aquarius will be but a brief preview of things to come as He retrogrades back into Capricorn on June 11th. In the Mergoat, Pluto will have one last dance back & forth until Dec ‘24 when He enters Aquarius for the long haul (until 2044, all said & done).

Pluto is our great transformer - compulsive shadow-worker of our collective drives. Pluto’s deep & fearless impulse for evolution is expressed through the birth-death-rebirth cycle. Without destruction & decay there can be no sustainable renewal. All that’s repressed erupts eventually - sometimes explosively or volcanically. In earthy Capricorn Pluto composted & then exposed the ancient rot of our institutional foundations & governing structures. The monstrousness of authority & leadership revealed.

In Aquarius, Pluto’s subversive power tests not just the world of tech as many have pointed to, but to our own shared ideologies. The intensity is focused collectively upon the corruption of our ideals - many of which we may believe are progressive, inclusive & emancipatory, but which may be hubristic or oppressive, tribal group-think. We may be compelled to confront the demons of our own making - fanatical control over ideas endangering openness & mature debate or analysis. Who is in and who is out in a world of cancel culture & gathering extremism? In the clash of fundamentalisms everyone believes they are on the side of virtue.

I have instincts regarding Pluto in Aquarius but make no predictions. This is new territory for all of us. But as technologies & AI becomes more entwined & enmeshed with our humanity, our flesh & DNA; when it may be difficult to discern in online spaces the difference between AI & flesh, there may well be a reaction to this.

A resistance to the co-opting of our primal human rhythms & experience. We may see movements & groups of people re-wilding & seeking low-tech ways of living, sharing & connecting with one another. The creation of more embodied ways & spaces in order to reclaim human experience.