Pomegranate Astrology

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Aries New Moon Welcomes in A Fiery New Year

NEW MOON @ 0°49’ ARIES, 22nd MARCH, 4:23AM (AEDT).

With the Sun’s happy ingress into His exaltation of ︎Aries at the Equinox, the cosmic cycle renews. We’ve arrived in an astrological New Year made emphatic with our newborn Warrior Moon.

This is a rare coinciding with the Equinox, not seen since 2004. 0° ︎Aries is the incendiary spark of ignition. A bold, unambiguous degree of passion & purpose enflamed by solar Fire.

A stellium in ︎Aries points always to Mars - now winding up a mutable pick-&-mix of challenges in the final sharded degrees of Gemini. On the 25th, Mars will be drenched when He topples into Cancer’s moody Waters, squaring - as is His wont - our cluster of planets in ︎Aries.

Tempers & passions will be by turns fiercely fanned & crabbily protected. A topping-&-tailing of ardent adventures & consequences yet to unfold will culminate with our 2nd ︎Aries NM in a month - a total solar eclipse no less. By then we will have embarked upon a new epoch with our Underworld god Pluto in Aquarius…

A Mars-y urgency now blazes across the lit horizon, & a pugnacious, defiant romanticism rises as we wade out of the scrappy fog that’s been Mars square Neptune these past weeks. It’s time to slash & burn away any crap-fitting or over-compromising that may have engulfed your sense of self.

Now’s the time to call home to you any wandering soul-sparks lost in the mist; or given away heedlessly - helplessly perhaps - to grabby outside influences.
Mars-fueled solar power aids us in a reclamation of autonomy & self-determination.

At end of day, before sleep, envisage your diffused sparks as fireflies returning to you, to be integrated back into the nourishing furnace of your solar plexus.

Tending your own fierce fire does not require unkindness, nor the burning of every bridge in sight.

Yet here is a chance for the cutting away of old hangovers & hang-ups. New adventures entice us to take action. The blazing of unmapped trails dare us to clear away obstacles & delete detritus that before may have felt insurmountable.

The equinoxes mark Persephone’s endless descent & return, the renewing & dying of the light - the hope & promise of our own renewal. Forgive yourself your losses, griefs, passivity. (Re)build confidence through right action.