Pomegranate Astrology

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An Ode to Venus in Capricorn

VENUS IN CAPRICORN (DEC. 10th 2022-JAN. 3rd 2023 - AEDT).

Venus has stumbled out of buoyant Sag - & Her outrageous square with Jupiter in ︎Pisces, into the House of Bone Mother.

As Cardinal Earth, Cap is Yin & Saturn-ruled. Venus here is our Mistress of the Winter Dark & long nights. She who endures.

Venus in ︎Capricorn is Vasilisa the Wise on a solo mission to Baba Yaga’s house. With skull lantern lit & aloft, She wanders through cold skeletal forests. Spare & famished days have called Her here. Steady & determined in Her quest, Cap Venus outlasts obstacles.

Cool as patchouli, dark as black poppy, Venus in ︎Capricorn persists in a peculiarly chill & sensual way. Consistency, prudence & patience is Her swoon-worthy love language. She’s stern, but with a wickedly smoky sense of humour.

Resinous & reserved in Her poetry, She offers us Rosemary for remembrance (& protection), comfrey for knitting them bones; & mugwort for moving between worlds (as is the wont of the Mergoat).

Mysterious Cap is weaver-creatrix, bridge between spirit & matter.

Discerning & conservative with Her time & energy, ︎ Venus in Capricorn has a chop-wood-carry-water devotion. Though shyly Saturnine She’s earthy & wildly imaginative, translating Sagittarian ︎Fire into skillful means. This is a fertile Venus for committed love of all kinds.

Venus in Capricorn ︎is invested in building & securing the structures that shelter & protect all that She values & loves. Long-term integrity matters here. No straw houses, no fly-by-nights; no bloated, extravagant promises.

Pragmatism & mountainous ambition combine with wolffish intuition & pelagic depths. Cap Venus knows Her worth & can show us how to quietly, steadily claim our own.

Venus in Capricorn ︎will move through aspects to ♅, ♆, & ☿ before a conjunction with ♇ on 1/1/23. More on that later…