Pomegranate Astrology

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A Saturnine Full Moon in Aquarius

Image: unknown, but I know how she feels.

FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS @ 19°21”, 12th AUG (11:36AM AEST)

Our revolutionary super-moon. A call to connection with others.

This lunation is the culmination of the cycle that began with the recent Uranian pile-up in Taurus. The intensity of a Fixed sign clash with an added dash of Saturn salt has walloped those of us with sensitive degrees in the Fixed signs. With this lunation there are continuing Uranian disruptions & tensions, but we shift into a brighter solar key than when Mars was at the wheel. 

Mistress Moon now laps at the shores of Saturn’s Aquarian Temple, cuddling up to the dark & chilly Time Lord Himself, stony & monumentally aloof in His dignity. She will receive no warmth & solace from Him. His support, though valuable, is stern and unbending.

This FM is a somewhat lonely Moon. A water carrier Moon, squared by Uranus & yoked to Saturn, even flooded by Sun’s power remains intensely Saturnine. It is in Her Aquarian service to others, Her capacity to hold that which is greater than Her, beyond the frame, that Lady Moon’s own light will be nurtured.

La Lune here does receive the gilded warmth & brilliance of a Leonine Sun, holding our ideals & inspiration (Venus slipping into Leo the same day stokes the fires of generosity & Joy).

A Water-bearer Moon is She who holds the life-giving waters as sacred duty, holding much for others, (I see you my Aquarian Moon luvs - your cool exterior belies your fathomless generosity & selflessness).

As crystals can be programmed with information, water is a memory keeper - of our emotions & intuitive wisdom. 

With what are we programming these precious waters we carry?

Saturn is dignified where the Self is for Others, but this lunation is also a call to compassion - the flow of which runs between the needs of the individual and the collective. The Sun sextile Uranus on the day of the FM opens our hearts to the light of compassion.

The Ambient culture speaks much of self-care (crucial, yes), of “manifesting” & shining our light. Yet this calls for balance, and a recognition of how the kindness of others - our connections to others - are what we depend upon.

We don’t exist in self-contained, self-enfolding bubbles. Though our Systems and technologies seem be herding us into more isolated and disconnected cul-de-sacs.

A malaise of fatigue has seeped into the waters of the matrix, spiking inertia and convincing us we’re too drained and over-burdened for much. We can feel burned-out by the tech that pushes the memes of rest and self-care.

Yet when we show up for and with one another, in real, embodied rhythm and relationship; generously offering the gift of our presence, often we find inspiration, and draw energy and enthusiasm for life. It feeds our fire and purpose. It’s downright refreshing.

The kindness of others is deeply humbling. We weather the sturm und drang of great personal loss for & with others. We receive the deepest gifts not through isolated “manifestation culture” but through our connections - personally & in community. Real community is inclusion and engagement - with all its discomfort and diversity. It’s not the echo-chambers of our online iso-tanks.

Each individual - the unique ideas & visions we hold - become an invitation to shape a life-giving culture together. This is the Aquarius-Leo axis in creative tension. The glue of course, is love.

Herbal support: with an Air Moon in Saturn’s sign, engaged in a hard square with Uranus we may feel the need for nervous system support. Our adrenal and electrical systems may be tightly wound. In honour of this lunation I opened a bottle of lavender and lemon balm tincture. But popping some fresh handfuls of these herbs in a teapot, (or a few teaspoons of dried herb) can work wonders on frazzled Uranian nerves. Lemon balm is an incredibly versatile and supportive herb. Gentle yet powerful.

Always consult a healing professional at your own discretion before imbibing any herbs or herbal supplements.