Pomegranate Astrology

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A Butter-soft Full Moon in Cancer

Image: Nguyen Thanh Bin - The Mother.

Our first Full Moon of the year is a pivotal Homecoming. In the Season of stern Saturn, we’re offered a nourishing embrace. Anointed by the Waters of Cancer, we may feel a tidal surge of complex emotions; & a remembrance of old, true instincts amidst these instinct-injured times.

The Knowing Moon delights in Her watery realm of blood, love, mother’s milk, memory & marrow.

A FM in Cancer ︎calls us to water the root system, nourish our bodies, & tend to the hearth of our lives wherein dwells our House of Cancer. Looking closer, we may find it’s there where it’s now needed most, & where healing can happen.

As we structure & strategize with Capricorn, Cancer brings sweetness, a recollection of warmth, & a sense of home. La Lune in Cancer ︎offers us amniotic memory & emotional flow to the environment in which we swim. Our buttery soft illumination, untouched by malefics, is a chalice offered from which we can drink deeply & feel replenished.

Our Crabby Mistress reminds us we’re not machines, not “product”, but something altogether more creaturely, cyclic, messy, mood-shadowed & instinctual.

Cancer is the sign where Jupiter is exalted, creating sanctuary, growing clans, (born or made, Jupiter embraces all). Ancestors live in threads of tales retold as future ones are birthed.

A Cancer FM reminds us that Self-care is not a closed loop of isolation, but cyclic - an ebb & flow of give-&-take. The connective tissue of love & care we share with one another nourishes all. In our interdependence rests our survival.

Bathe in waters scented with jasmine salts. Drink blue lotus tea, burn mugwort & myrrh. Cook hearty food & feast with those you love. Share stories, tears, or celebrate fireside. Offer your gifts of kindness, presence, or physical touch. Your empathy & sensitivity - these are not fragile, but fiercely enlivening gifts. And with your gift, may your own cup be filled.

With Mercury retrograde conjunct the Sun in Capricorn, & the Moon in a harmonious sextile to Uranus, there may be a sudden illumination of something under revision - a watershed moment. This is emphasised by the potent Mercury cazimi that follows soon after the FM.